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Bernard Stanley Hoyes

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Events &



PO Box 961

Palm Springs, CA 92263


The exhibition will be on view at the San Bernardino County Museum
Nov 17, 2019 through March 31, 2020
2024 Orange Tree Ln
Redlands, CA 92374

The San Bernardino County Museum is pleased to present
"In The Spirit of the Land Through Climate Change"
an exhibition of large scale watercolor paintings that speak to the ecological
life of the Desert, the works evoke beauty and spirituality, ultimately observing
the transmogrification by climate changeover the past ten years.

We would like to give Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Special thanks to Dr. Cynthia Davis


The Palm Springs Art Museum’s Art Studio Classes and Workshops offer diverse learning

opportunities that go beyond the classroom setting and expand into the museum.  Classes and

workshops are taught by leading professional artists and draw from different influences and

genres that challenge students of all levels to explore their creative abilities and further develop

their artistic skills.  For questions or more information, please contact the Education

Department Coordinator, Hillary Roberts at or call 760.322.4850.

101 Museum Drive
Palm Springs, CA 92262


Electrolyte Etching  class with Bernard Hoyes

December 15 and 16, Saturday and Sunday10:00 am to 2:00 pm

$100 Members, $150 Non-Membe

Skill Levels: All Levels


Explore non–toxic etching with Master Printmaker Bernard Hoyes.  The etching process remains

the same, except the use of highly toxic acids are removed.  In its place, a 12-volt battery or charger,

as well as salt and water are utilized.  The positive electric current passes through a prepared plate

that is submerged in water, then a salt solution is poured over the plate.  A chemical reaction occurs

on the plate’s surface that bites or etches the exposed lines or areas.  The traditional printing

process is resumed.


Hoyes will help students to prepare and develop plates for the electrolyte process, guiding each

student through the technical process to a successful print.  Included are demonstrations and

discussions in a workshop setting with a supportive atmosphere.


Bernard Hoyes is a multi-disciplinary artist and Master Printmaker specializing in Serigraphs,
Etchings and Lithography.  He is the Founder of Caribbean Fine Arts Publishing and Kensington
Press, and has worked and printed with Self Help Graphics in Los Angeles and Brandywine
Graphic Workshop in Philadelphia.



Creative Souls

African American Artists In Greater Los Angeles

Paul Von Blum and Rosie Lee Hooks, Curators


Title: Earthbound 40" x 60" 2017

"The Earthbound Series"©
Expressing a devotional connection to earthbound spirits and it's cycle.

Exhibited for the first time at The Watts Towers.
Fascinating Works created with sand, coffee grounds, powdered
pigments, plaster, straw, and acrylics on canvas.

Watts Towers & Arts Center

Noah Purifoy & Charles Mingus Gallery

1727 East 107th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90002

March 18, 2018 -July 8, 2018

Bernard Hoyes Gallery at The River at Rancho Mirage

71800 Highway 111 Suite A161

Rancho Mirage, CA 92270


The Bernard Hoyes Art Gallery
At The River Rancho Mirage
Space A 161

March 31, 2018
4 PM to 8 PM

More Info: 323-788-1959  
Bring your favorite dish,
dessert, snack or drink (liquor
ok) and join friends for an evening of fun.  Come and
participate in the fun & artistic evening.

Hanson Film Institute presents World Premiere of
OFF THE STREET – short film on art and race relations

College of Fine Arts
University of Arizona
845 N. Park Avenue Room 220
Tucson, Arizona 85721